Junior Cycle places students at the centre of the educational experience, enabling them to actively participate in their communities and in society and to be resourceful and confident learners in all aspects and stages of their lives. The world is changing at a rapid rate and the curriculum must adapt in order to best prepare children for their future and to develop their ability to take on these challenges.
Students will:
- Engage more actively with, and take greater ownership of, their learning, e.g., through oral language tasks, field studies and artistic performances
- Engage with digital media to enhance their learning
- Engage with the 8 Key Skills
A child entering First year in September 2021 will experience all Junior Cycle subjects through their new specifications. Monaghan Collegiate School is offering the subjects indicated in the table below:
As part of the new Junior Cycle students will experience a new area of learning called Wellbeing. This will build on the work schools are already doing in support of students’ wellbeing and will make it more visible for students. Through the Wellbeing programme students will gain the knowledge, attitudes and skills to enable them to protect and promote their own wellbeing and that of others. The four main pillars of the Wellbeing programme are Civic, Social and Political Education (CSPE), Physical Education (PE), Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) and Guidance education.
Changing approach to Assessment
The most significant change in the new Junior Cycle is in the area of assessment.
A dual approach to assessment involving, classroom-based assessment across three years and a final externally assessed, state-certified examination can enable the appropriate balance between preparing students for examinations and facilitating creative thinking, engaged learning and better outcomes for students.
This approach will recognise and value the different types of learning that takes place in schools and will allow for a more rounded assessment of the educational achievements of each young person. Classroom-based assessments (CBAs) will be completed by students in each subject. CBAs aim to create opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in areas that are difficult to capture in a timed pen and paper exam.
State Certified Examination
At the end of 3rd year, students will continue to undertake an examination in each subject, externally set and corrected by the State Examinations Commission.
A new reporting structure at Junior Cycle will contribute to the personal and educational development of students. It will support and underpin ongoing learning and assessment. Linking classroom assessment and other assessment culminates in the awarding of the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) which will offer parents/guardians a clear and broad picture of their child’s learning journey over the three years of Junior Cycle.
The JCPA will record student’s achievements in the following:
- The State-Certified examinations
- CBA’s
- Wellbeing
- Other Areas of Learning (such as social, cultural, pastoral, scientific, sporting, entrepreneurial and other skills)